Saturday, September 17, 2011

.the long silence.

sorry for the long silence, friends.

i've been a bit busy.

one month ago to the day, the man-friend and i packed our belongings into a moving container and into our car and drove away from providence, ri.  we made a 5,000 mile road trip across the country (via stops to see many friends and family) and relocated to our favorite place in the world . . .


that's right friends.  we're home!

it's been strange . . . awesome . . . terrifying . . . exciting . . . nuts.

i am so happy to be here!  i miss my friends from providence so much!  i miss my garden!  we don't have a place to live yet . . .  i've been living out of a small suitcase for the last month.  i miss my roller derby team (working on transferring to the local league - the rose city rollers).  but i've gotten to see my family and friends and the beautiful states of oregon and washington . . . i love the pacific northwest.

once we're settled i plan to blog and craft more!  and garden!!!

{cows in southern oregon}

what have you been doing in my absence??


Liz Wong said...

Missing you, of course.

Mary Smith said...

Seeing your face! And starting a new yoga blog: