Sunday, January 24, 2010

.mixed media.

you may have noticed that i've posted some mixed media on the sidebar. mostly just things i am reading, listening to or watching. i'll change it up from time to time and when i do, i'll post about it. just to sort of keep track of the pop culture i am consuming. who knows, maybe someday i'll do some reviews?

so, current book:
"love in the time of cholera" by Gabriel García Márquez . . . an amazing and beautiful and funny and charming adventure of a book.

previous music:
the ting tings ("we started nothing" album to be precise). it's been playing a lot at the cafe lately . . . and thus it has been playing a lot in my head too.

current music:
band of horses (the "cease to begin" album has got me hooked. i come back to it over and over again).

previous film:
coraline. my roommate, miss L, and i rented and watched this last week. i really enjoyed the imagery and the themes between to two different "realities" . . . very cool, but i wont say more because i don't want to spoil it for anyone.

current film:
the notebook. this film was watched out of desperation for a girl's movie night. an excuse to drink good wine and eat brie, really. i'd heard that it was a tear-jerker, i'd read the book and remember being really moved by it . . . but the film? no tears. it started out a bit . . . predictably for me. it ended up getting better as the film went on and the ending was really very sweet, but . . . i didn't cry. a friend of mine told me she cries for days after watching this film. huh. thoughts?

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