Wednesday, February 24, 2010

.strong and brave.

photo taken last june of my sister's and i at our big sister's wedding. we haven't all been together like that since . . . can't wait til we all get to be together again!

my big sister is about to have a baby . . . any day now. she's due tomorrow. this is the first grandchild in our family, the first great grand child in our family and my first time becoming a real-live auntie! i am so excited! my sister has been so strong and brave through it all. the only thing i am sad about is that she lives so far away (tulsa, OK) and i am stuck on the east coast (in R.I) and can't be there. i've missed her whole pregnancy.

i do have tickets to fly out to see her at the end of april. but. that's april. sooo far awayyyyy......

i can only send her encouragement and support from afar. we've been talking on the phone a lot more lately and this has been awesome. i feel like we've become closer the last few months and gotten to know each other better. having 6 sisters like i do, it's hard to be close to all of them. especially since i live so far away from them all.

i've also been sending her tons of little packages full of books and clothes and silly things for the wee one. what else is an auntie for anyway?


anyway, i've been slammed the last few days and hope to play catch up today. it's raining like it's the PNW and will continue to do so all week. i secretly love it. i'm rained in with the pup and some tea. time for laundry, checking the kombucha, possibly braving the rain to hit up the grocery store (car is out of comission so this would include walking in the deluge) so i can make more granola, waiting for my seeds to arrive for this year's garden, working more on some art projects i've started, studying my roller derby rules for our upcoming assessments and prepping for tomorrow's day at the massage studio. phew. what a day off.

hudson spending his day relaxing with me while it rains outside

i also have fun news about a recent purchase i've made!! it's funny how little things can make me so happy! i'll post a blog of photos soon . . .

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