my birthday is next week (friday the 13th). i WANT to do something awesome. i have no time. not a lot of money. am feeling veerrrry homesick and tired. and have always struggled with this fear that i'll plan a huge party and no one will show up.
when we lived in oregon, we'd celebrate birthdays for a week straight. here . . . it's been different. a struggle.
last year, the man-friend took me away for a camping trip and a brewery tour. it was awesome and SO COOL. a nice family trip (we took the pup too). but it's also nice to be celebrated by your friends. i'm not trying to be miss birthday diva . . . but i'm having a tough time.
maybe i just need some cool (cheap) ideas for my birthday party that will be accessable and fun for all?
i was thinking a circus theme
or maybe a white trash theme?
or just dancing and drinks (but some of my friends have kids and i wanted something they could come to, too) . . .
a picnick? what if the weather sucks?
i just got home from a birthday party for my friend who just turned 30. her husband sent her to beach and to get a pedicure and she came home and the house had been cleaned, sushi and pizza had been made, drinks were ready, an ipod playlist made and friends invited. cirque du soleil was on the tv screen in the background.
THEN PONIES came!!! and people took pony rides! and THEN a barber shop quartet came and sang to the birthday girl!!!
great birthday.
The best birthdays are the unplanned. When you think everything would go wrong :-) I know it from my own experience.
my wife's birthday is the 13th too! we're having a "whore(or) horror" themed party, where people will dress up whorish or
we're also going to have a giant whore/horror themed jeopardy game with prizes.
there should even be a couple of your fellow prov roller derby girls there :)
i'm a firm believer that birthdays should definitely be celebrated, so i try to do something over the top for the wife every year :)
I like that beach-pedicure-clean house-sushi-pizza-and-drinks birthday. I would settle for that! :)
Whatever you do for your birthday, enjoy it!
Sorry. I get it.
The reality you don't want to hear: There is a possibility that this birthday will suck.
How you can help:
Send your friends your mailing address and force them to write you! Or better yet, make your sisters do the work for you :)
Letters are good.
Give me your addie, and you'll get a letter.
(To be mailed when I return to Salem which is after your birthday.)
Sorry for no glory glory hope.
More sorry that I can't giggle with you.
Skydiving? Hot air balloon ride?
I'm not really a 'party' person, so I am no help in this area...whatever you choose I hope it is happy!
thanks everyone. i think i've just let the rest of my life overwhelm me lately and my birthday sort of just appeared on the horizon just in time to freak me out.
it'll be fine. i bought a pinata.
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