Saturday, January 30, 2010


take life one good "huffle puffle" at a time

well, i've been hunkered down, keeping warm (it was in the teens yesterday and today as far as temperature), working hard (the students are back from break and are eating at the cafe again - though not tipping well . . . per usual), and prepping things (such as watching more LOST in prep for season premier on tues! and continuing to sort through and organize my art space - getting so many great ideas!).

yesterday was my sunday . . . i visited the classic cafe with a sweet crafty girl (we've planned a winter beach trip in the near future!) yesterday for brunch as well as met up with some fellow bridesmaids with our future bride, miss M. that was good times. we got kicked out of a sushi restaurant and then headed to the local pub where we proceeded to get warned about offending other patrons. all before 8pm!!! we ended the night with the bride-to-be playing darts with some random men at the bar. they were purposely loosing to her so that she could get a bulls eye!!!

haven't caused a ruckus like that with those girls in quite a while . . . it was nice! and i was home by 10:30 (i'm an old lady) since i had to work in the morning.

i have to work in the morning again tomorrow . . . followed by a derby bout tomorrow night, more work earrrrrrly monday morning and then STUDIO TIME!!! i'll be desigining a tattoo for my sister! i'll let you know how it goes!


currently listening to live recordings of J Tillman . . . soul-soothing.

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